Amazon Cognito User Pools lets you add user sign-up and sign-in capabilities to your web and mobile apps quickly and easily. In this step, we’ll create a Cognito user pool for our Wild Rydes app.
Use the AWS console to create an Amazon Cognito User Pool requiring e-mail verification
The console’s region will default to the last region you were using previously. Change this to the same region where you launched your Cloud9 environment previously.
In the AWS Management Console choose Services then select Cognito under Security, Identity, and Compliance.
Choose your desired Region in top-right of the console if not already selected. This should match the region where you launched your Cloud9 environment previously.
Choose Create User Pool.
Under Cognito user pool sign-in options, check User name, Email, and Phone Number checkboxes, then select Next.
Leave the Password Policy defaults, then scroll down to Multi-factor authentication and select No MFA.
Leave all other defaults settings, then select Next.
On the Configure sign-up experience page, leave all defaults and select Next.
On the Configure message delivery page, select Send email with Cognito.
Scroll down to the SMS section, then select Create a new IAM role and enter wildrydes-cognito-messages for the IAM role name. Then select Next.
Next, enter WildRydes
as the User pool name.
Next, scroll down to the Initial app client section and leave Public client selected. For App client name, enter wildrydes-web-app
Make sure Don’t generate a client secret is selected, then click Next
Review the summary of all provided settings for accuracy then choose Create user pool.
Within Cloud9, click the + symbol and choose to create New File. You will use this new blank editor tab as a scratchpad for various resource names and variables.
Back in the AWS Cognito console, copy your new User Pool Id into the scratchpad tab.
Click the App Integration tab and scroll all the way down to the bottom. Then copy the Client ID into the scratch tab.
Copy the App client ID over to your scratchpad. You will be using both of these values later on.