Cognito Identity Pools are used to provide AWS credentials via IAM roles to end-user applications. Since we’ll be integrating our Cognito deployment and users with other AWS services, we’ll go ahead and create this identity pool now.
You will need to create a Cognito Identity Pool linked to the Cognito User Pool and app client ID you just created. Your application will not require un-authenticated users to access any AWS resources, so you do not need to enable access to unauthenticated identities.
In the Cognito console, choose Federated Identities in the header bar to switch to the console for Cognito Federated Identities.
Choose Create new identity pool.
Input wildrydes_identity_pool
as the Identity pool name.
Expand Authentication providers.
Within the Cognito tab, input the User Pool ID and App client Id you copied previously to the scratchpad tab.
Choose Create Pool.
Choose Allow to allow Cognito Identity Pools to setup IAM roles for your application’s users. Permissions and settings of these roles can be customized later.
Copy/paste the Identity Pool ID, highlighted in red within the code sample in the Get AWS Credentials section, into your Cloud9 scatchpad editor tab.
Do not copy the quatation marks, but include the region code and “:” character.
Your scratchpad should now have values for the following Cognito resources: